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I have a note list of quotes: phrases, paragraphs, and poetry, any collection of words that make me think. Whether it or the author is someone I love or hate, the quotes are something worth adding. Whether they make me smile or frown, or they make me think or are something just plain unforgettable. Even if they can be nonsense. This page is like that. Well, only the stuff that's available under the public domain or with a Creative Commons license, anyway. No PDFs though, not a good format, I think.

Here's the rules for this gallery should the desire to participate overwhelms you.

  1. Controlled chaos. That's the definition of this gallery. Like rule 5 but about management, not character.
  2. You can add or change captions and alt text to these images. If I like them, then they stay. The funnier (or sharper) the better.
  3. If the character isn't me, it leaves.
  4. Know what you link. I don't want lots of porn from here. It's too decadent to even be properly funny.
  5. This is a page that at least attempts to balance sophistication with wildness. This complexity must be respected.

Note: It is recommended to scroll through this page only through a desktop computer. Mobile looks a bit ugly, and the Gallery feature doesn't entirely work there.

Greetings! ribbit Would you like some boiled soup and fried flies?
The first true video game 😎
Ticket to the Highway to Hell
This has got to be the most well-developed glitch since the Minus World.
Like Legos; all you need is thousands of them and an even larger imagination.
"Guys what's stopping you from dressing like this 24/7"
This. If I can't wear a shirt of my favorite band with that tie, what's the point in life?
"I knew it was a good game, but I didn't expect to hit Number one. Of course I was happy when it did!"[1] Thank you as well Shaw for these photos!
Mr. Video, the Captain Game Master of the Reagan Era
True King of Sega 🏆
Average gamer; Toe Jam and Earl bite the dust
All right! SOUL♀︎ was caught!
Gonna pop off Jimmy Barnes style
A threat for causing a public disturbance
A Wikipedia editor is like a mailman; you control...information.
Mastar Cheef ain't tha danger, he is tha danger
Most stylish playground ever. Whether it's the best altogether I'm unsure about.
Piggies on the moon (and a randoseru's gift)
A Rusher, surprisingly unstained after the first 8 hours
Absolutely ballsy that AV idols were used to promote this masterpiece. Same company who published Bayonetta and you forget they also made Super Monkey Ball and Sonic the Hedgehog!
"Not the smile as in 'ahh,' more 'the smile' as in, the guy who lies to you every day…"[2][Unregistered HyperCam 1]
Well, my mother told my father; just before I, I was born; she said, "Got a boy child comin', it's gon' be; gonna be a rolling stone

Systems and controllers

Dummy ㄒ卄丨匚匚 console talkin' shit yet phoned 乇ㄒ home
If even Stevie gets his kicks playing with this is there still a contest?[Unregistered HyperCam 2]
Listening to this playlist while speedrunning the classics is the most '80s thing I can do without feeling like shit. Kickass.
Considering the NES's design I wonder how the hell they could've translated the add-on internationally. Regardless this remained their most successful with disk technology until the GameCube, and I get pissed thinking about that sluggishness.
'80s spirit hit by '90s spirit
Such a manipulative, perversive yet engaging and widespread figure of culture that encouraged children to explore the various definitions of touching. The DS Lite is pretty cool tho
Probably handheld gaming's final system unique enough to compete with mobile gaming. 3D tech aside, it was amazing while it lasted.
Look. The NES was too important and the SNES's library was too god-like, but the Switch is everything, truly everything great about Nintendo then and now, right here. This is their best console, hands down.
These games have served. These games have been of Service.
As hot as it gets without shoulder pads.
Could've at least combined the Sega CD and 32X together, man. So reckless.
A novelty that didn't have the first model's headphone jack? Unbelievable.
You don't get to join the vanguard of 3D gaming without seeing some gigantic bridges burnt. Lots of "holy shit" here and there.
I take it black. Like my men.
Hey, where's Perri?
When you make a Beatles video game and make it work, that's as much of a peak of the rhythm game genre as Revolver did with pop and rock music. You gotta tear everything up and start over again.

A gavel on the blankets of 1s & 0s

I cannot believe this image was over 45 years ago, that this was on Commons for over 15 years, and I cannot with my own eyes believe that I'm living a life where I get to see this. The ABQ detail is the cherry on top. He should be arrested again for all those RRODs.
"Save me Bill Gates" "No my son, it's too late"
I'm not going to post my reasons why I find portraits of them here (and the "Think different" campaign) both inappropriate and pretentious. It's a little obvious now. Maybe your attempts explaining could be more interesting.
Citizens of the past staring at the Angel of Death, first-person view
I freeze in horror remembering that one time I saw this graphic.
There are now three types of people that have blown this pipe.
I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.
Best place to eat the sand
Ever wanted a fast food Wario? WELL WHO WOULDN'T
No, they don't use giraffe meat here. Certainly wouldn't taste as good.
Easily my favorite of these brands. They got a signature sauce with them burgers.
Wait until you tried the triple-flavor ice cream of this
Street hustlin'
Here's another cool work to look at; The Negro (1923)
Here is a production he was involved with, a documentary about TV Globo.
Mamãe 🥰🥰🌎🌍🌏
Kinografia 🤗
Blanka for President 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Zeus hates the French 🧀🍷📽️
Cloudy sunrise
Space sunset
"A well-composed book is a magic carpet on which we are wafted to a world that we cannot enter in any other way." (Quote by Caroline Gordon)
This lil' tweety wonders about the largest source of noise
Proud to be born here.
Doo goody-good bullshit 🍌🤪
Mmmmmm...goat straw bondage
your tax dollars at work folks
Looks like the world's most expensive garage sale
they play when nobodys watching

A chronological story of disaster.

Suck this receiving end of his telephone mime call!
A woman can never have too many admirers!
I don't support bootlegging unless absolutely necessary, and this episode is no longer an exceptional case after being archived in the Library of Congress. But alas, private theaters aren't that appealing, are they?
Hot stuff!
"It gets easier. Every day, it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day, that's the hard part. But it does get easier." 🐚
A model train enthusiast often tries (and fails) to not embrace the feeling of godhood when observing his creations
And you put my brain in overload; I can't change gear; I cannot see the road; you got concrete eyes; and I cannot see your face; and I failed in life; 'CAUSE YOU CRUSHED ME WITH YOUR HANDS
Everybody cries, everybody hurts, sometimes
Ever felt like your life is not even the size of one slab of pavement on a sidewalk in this image
Booting up my Wikipedia game console be like
Wait a second I know this guy–
You're missing one rule: Final Solution-chan does not exist here
The fuckie wuckies!!
When the vandals go 🖕🖕🖕🖕
[More info + associated image]
No, it was WikiLeaks, but this is still enough.
The lyrics are beyond informative, though too high-class for a wide audiences. Same with the composition, it's too formal and demonstrative to allow expressive production. At least the concept's well-executed, but it doesn't sound like a band, y'know?
Even the Ku Klux Klan hates these guys
Wikipe-tan as a staff member of Black twitter, despite her long persisting battle with AIDS.
twitter staff member (retired, the Munskrat hates Hawaiian)
I'd link you an example from their résumé, but it's on a certain blacklisted website. Sorry! 🥴
Wikipe-tan by 2023
We were born deletionists, a living craft against the vandals (excluding Binky and Nikki ヾ(•ω•`)o)
enchilada chimichanga
I like this literal bookworm. Not sure where "Kip" came from but at least they got a full name!
A mischievous incarnation
Banned from usage on backpacks (except in several southern areas)
Wikipe-tan forming critiques yet unquenchable curiosity towards the Print Wikipedia volumes
Resources or bee forces
Really love the author behind this
Clyde as Wikipedia's puzzle globe.
They'd rather be called that than NPCs. (I will not explain this again.)
Temptation not to subject living puzzle globes into international trafficking
Perhaps Encyclopedia Dramatica has a more...updated variant of this after a decade.
example of how to visualize "example"
Woo, woo
Say NO to these images whomst've are different to the ones above.
All of these people are armed…WITH PRISTINE RESEARCH!
As the tanks roll into town; a little bit of knowledge will destroy you
It would be slightly insulting if your best compliment to all of this was "Not bad."
Your virtual neighbors who know not the truth, but how to dissect, identify, verify and preserve it. Sure they only know what they're told, but they've always taken the best of the best on their own. Also the only and definitive remainders of the early "techno-utopianism". And the reason why you know about fair use and Creative Commons.
Neither can boys!
Imagine seeing a cover like this in its time and thinking "Wow, this guy should be a cartoonist!"
"I'm givin' out free samples!"
Which career is more worth the back-breaking, honestly, drumming or cartooning?
Superduper supermen!
The Internet Archive has a scan in high quality resolution, but it's low quality in presentation.
Uncropped depiction of Seda
Guilty as charged.
Merc with a Mouth in the midst of his conversion, relevant arm included
He is KILLING it! Ay Spidey why you look away?
Adorable yet artistic
Le maestro
This is the real cover for The Wall. Its textless minimalism is intentional so you'd be forced to regard it less as album art and more of you literally facing the wall. It's your copy too, your wall. Any version with text ironically flattens the immersiveness.
Dunno why this is called vinyl but hey, still love the hell outta this album. I nickname this one Another Great View.
The definitive track listing. The placements of "Silver Springs" and "Songbird" could not be more fitting.
It's amazing that both of these artists were on the same label.
Shit probably better than The Life of Pablo fr
Guess he's an Xbox and I'm more Atari; but the way you play your game ain't fair
Yeah, the '60s didn't age well, of course.
Bullshit that the Hammer of the Gods only go solo. As with Woodstock.
Ironically they're better-behaved members than Led Zeppelin or Metallica. AC⚡️DC mostly subverted the "live fast, die young" fate.

Portraits and performances

I'd kiss her cunt in Cannes
Dude with a drum n'front of 'im has them pair of golden shoes
Tha Supa Cheef
Undoubtedly my favorite music-related image ever. It encapsulates everything great in rock, along with the wildness found in rhythm and blues and the attitudes of punk. Absolutely awesome.
Even your local pastor loves this band
I can't express enough the joy I have now that there's a quality image to display of the Stones with Mick Taylor. And on the same year as their best live album, too!
"This is our favorite place to play in the whole country." – Lou Reed, December 12, 1968
This should probably be a head image somewhere.
me n the boys casually kicking arse
I'll bet $40 that K.Dot was among this audience, watching and cheering.
I hope they disappear in that booth.
Absolutely reckless. I hope the people who plotted this polka-dot imitation had thunderstorms near their bedrooms all night. Disgraceful, thoughtless music industry bullshit treating naive talents like dirty rags.
Right hand bugs the shit outta me :/
Living in color!
Proof that ageism is a debunked concept
If only I gave him a CD copy of that album. Requiescat.
Lonely angel
Hey hey baby when you walk that way, watch y'honey drip, can't keep away
Eyes that shine burning red, dreams of you all through my head
obama tries to convince them hes a drummer, the kennedy honors are just bribery
Barack be like
Only missing a "Thanks, Obama" image at this point
Inspired by his love for groceries, obunga is also pictured here compensating for something
Rich mofo who doesn't need to see the Nickelodeon broadcast, I spit knives with my eyes at him
Letterman giving him a stern reminder about being in "the ten-digit zone"
Man of the decade in his decade
The queen's portrait of arrival
The band and "Jonah Johnson": hitting with an ocean's wave of rock and roll.
These guys did a better reunion album than Black Flag could. What?!
The Queen Crimson's ex-husband
How I will remember my dad
Wait, Vegas was cheap at some point?!
Their stage sets are so beautiful man
Halloween card 🎃
He oughta get with Chuck sometime
What in the Sam Hill are these
The best clown ever. Laughing Gravy isn't a very delicious ice cream flavor though, honestly.
I got myself a Cadillac; but I can't afford the gasoline
I get tears in the morning
🚬💀 (ಠ_ಠ)
Already got them Franz Kafka bugger eyes 😳
You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses now, would ya? Oh wait, he's Kissinger. From Harvard. Carry on.
This charming man was prevented from graduation after spending a month in jail from involvement in car robbery. Imagine the difference in history if he wasn't arrested.
Hey white boy, whatchu doin' uptown, chasing women and men around
Grownup boy scout who supports the suburbian nuclear family American dream ☺️
Just by the emerging facial hair you know he's a demigod already on the verge of a rebirth.
"She used to be such a sweet girl"
Nerd in Florida 🤯
Born with big balls, died with even bigger balls. Played Snoopy, spoke Fake Italian, liked dril. Gifted at everything, saw the gifts in everyone. Made you hate him, didn't mind you loving him. No better poker and billiards player in Chicago. Found greater life and love past 30. Kept it real until the bitter end. Requiescat. 🎈
Usually a yearbook photo can be a moment of cringe and you become relieved at how better of a life you have now. Unfortunately I kinda felt the opposite for this one. Never Ignorant in Getting Goals Accomplished, indeed. #THUGLIFE
Love this dude's albums, along with Ice-T's and Ice Cold's and Ice Tray's and lce Coffee's and lce Water's and Ice Berg's and lce Cup's and lce Box. These dudes were all the real OGs of the hip hop golden age.
From tha streets 2 tha suites
Could use a stronger Jamaican flavor
You got the dolla he got the holla
Ticket to your own concert be like
Wake me up when a street in New York is named "Christgau Way".
promo photo for Yesterday
Missing since October 2016
Once that eye opened, it forever shone a new curse upon everyone in the television industry. Hasn't been shut since.
With the Internet, the hatred for ViacomCBS is even more front and center!
New York, in an existential crisis, attempts to look a bit more like L.A.

The Shoulders of Giants

It's funny. Only on a night like this does New York feel the most complete.
Not even the walls of Jericho would be this high.
You can feel them staring down at you.
An awesome son et lumière, but this image in particular is both the most vibrant and most interactive with the sky.

The Hows-Madden section

Bathroom noise at 2AM
He does tend to wander a bit at night
"The Union as it was...This is a White Mans Government....the Lost cause...Worse than Slavery"[Unregistered HyperCam 3]
Some would say this is about American nationalism. I just interpret this as a Thanksgiving that unifies diversity.
Still fuming at the lack of Britannia X Columbia R34.
Them bastards did it by over a century
Porn for the white supremacist. What do you mean there's no white women?
They didn't know that women wearing sailor suits are immensely overpowered. Sacred rules of the universe.
Ok this is hella awesome tho
"Please daddy, tell us do, for they censor all your letters, so we know they can't be true."
Serbia greatest!!
By 2037, would this be less common than it was a hundred years ago?
"I wanna Easter egg! I wanna Easter egg! I wanna Easter egg!"
Who cares for you? You're nothing but a pack of cards.
If nothing else, the Gay Guevara hidden in TERF Island is a nice change of pace.
I don't have a joke here, this is pretty cool.
If you smile and pick your favorite Jelly Belly correctly, then everyone's welcome.
Turning Point
A mischievous vegetable hater[3] and Bart Simpson
Discussing the international expansion of the Pizza Hut franchise and how to implement both TMNT and Tetris brands into the ring
Obligatory "like father like son" comment
But let's say Palin is correct that hockey moms normally wear lipstick. And then let's get amused comparing them to porn stars. Both wear lipstick, but the difference is what they use it with.
the bigger the baton, the hotter the hit!
Better late and rough than never and smooth.
The thing with Georgia is still beyond gold.
Yes, these Russians are in Germany. With no oppression from protesting about the devil their homeland.
An approximate representation of my Marietta years, 1/3
You know the author had a very cheeky face in executing this concept. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hey Manny, think you can be handy enough to save your own ass?
no cok n ball ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿
Dronebogus was really eager to upload this onto Commons huh
God, what a…
Well she's a roller skating child with a ribbon in her hair; she gets my heart a beatin' when I see her there
┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
On the Internet, nobody knows you indulge in Inugami Korone pornography.
You reacting to the caption of the above image
calligram –> proto visual poetry (yum)
"tHe fUtUrE Is nOW" plebians be like
Lava lamps are one of the last things I'd find in a shelf for a network service.
7/10 no unicorn (still awesome tho)
man car door hook hand
Check the oil dollar gas
Peeta Mellark as a baseball dude (also this was in 1987, LMFAO)
What if we kissed in the Robsart Hospital 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈
Kill a fwend to make a fwend! :DDD
"All his days the wicked man suffers torment, the ruthless man through all the years stored up for him. Dreadful sounds are in his ears; in prosperity the destroyer will come upon him. He does not believe that he will return out of darkness, and he is marked for the sword. He wanders abroad for bread, saying, 'Where is it?'"Job 15:20-23 (ESV)
…mama why does this taste like piss
…Exactly who was responsible for allowing Bandcamp's sale to Epic Games?
But you can't solve me! :)
The gamemaster of his career 🏆
Are you guys going trick or treating?

Credit to web enthusiast Annierau


Special article/titles

The surface of chalk may look like cheese, but it is actually harder than most cheeses.
On 10 January 2019, a man rode a Lime scooter down Baldwin St,[4] the same day that the scooters had been introduced to Dunedin and a week after Dunedin's mayor, Dave Cull, had said he was relying "on people's common sense" not to take the scooters down the world's steepest street.[5]
Embedded glaggles
A senator uses an old debating trick.
Helix Steel
Conservation of ninjutsu
This SCP is pissed for the lack of cable
Did I buy that necklace for myself?
(The correct version 👿)
Do not allow yourself to be trapped in the voids.
Festive doges found in Hawaii 2 (great thanks to Smallbones and Dthomsen8 for this perfect creation, and to Graf here)
Hats! Hats for sale! Fifty cents a hat!
Alexander Abian's 115th Dream
as an omnisexual i think bisexuals are cowards. 💀
the donussy ate aint the donut hole tho 🥺
I was often self-aware during my depression. Probably made for a worse experience. It's like being trapped in a state of mental limbo. Anyways, a dog walks into a tavern of mirrors and says, "I can't smell a thing. But I think I can smell this one. Looks like another consumer."
A competitor to traditional Nordic technology
Shrek at the end of the first film
File:Glowstick man.jpg
Example of a man enjoying a glow stick at a concert (rest in peace glowstick man
Child using oversized equipment. The kayak is floating too high, it is too wide for his hips and shoulders, and it is so deep that his elbows hit the deck. His paddle is also too long. It is impossible for him to paddle efficiently, and he will tire quickly. His PFD is also large enough to slip off over his head while fastened.
Stealing food from a man's hand, the nasty bitch be SWIPIN'
Perching on spikes designed to discourage perching birds, this sodding twat gives 0 fucks, with a pair of eyes taken from Stalin and a face like (ಠ_ಠ)
3/3[Unregistered HyperCam 4]
For legal reasons the actual flag cannot be shown here, so enjoy this caption that says the description of the flag was that "the laser beam projects a powerful image of New Zealand. I believe my design is so powerful it does not need to be discussed."[6]
Spawn area for players in Goat Simulator 3
A black cat "rusting" (coat turning a lighter brown shade) in sunlight
Imagine boarding a flight and then deciding to read the airplane article
Jan looking at minerals and stuff
Chrysippus allegedly died of laughter after witnessing a donkey eating his figs.[7] 🏆


Did you know that Krueger's renditions of this sonata were plagiarized by some guy on YouTube? Fascinating, innit? 🤓

God Bless the Public Domain

Is this film any good?
When I first saw this and the Stereopcial Process scenes came up I went "Holy shit! How is that even possible?!" For a second I thought that CGI was possible in the mid-1930s. I saw the two-color LOC copy first yet the animation was so lush, so vibrant, there was nothing deterring Fleischer's arguable magnum opus from blowing me away.
Awesome, we got a funky '80s commercial in Commons.
Jerk me off will ya?

The trash pile (to provide further motivation for organization)

Natural conclusions
Not even a rat would...
we could have this in a better world 🐊
Adoptable OC
Source of this poor creature's trauma


Your honor, I did NOT mistake that skyscraper for a Pirouline wafer. That was my identical cousin!
Courtroom sketch of the trial (2006)
Tell the author of this image that I give this a solid 10.
No relation to that guy

Even bigger trash pile

not a lizerd but sure does act like one
in its right place
Heads of the greatest showrunning era The Simpsons ever had. You can't change my mind on that, though they didn't make Treehouse of Horror V.
She lived like a murder, how she'd fly so sweetly, but she died, just like suicide
Doritos most preferable. You thought this was cursed? Wait 'til you try cheesebread with peanut butter! Or ranch on any fast food!
Why do I get nostalgic looking at this? I mean the demo is a decade old now, but damn.
He gets devoured by an iPhone 13 mini 50 minutes later. Gee, Cutts sure is making something totally different this time!
Uuuurrrrraaaaarrrrggghhhhhh nooooooo I've become the subject of a Steve Cutts video
steuwpid background for spilled hot coffee
The most kickass boot-up screen ever, this demon-bred fuck is RAISING LITERAL HELL LIKE HOLY SHIT THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO
This bum overheard you talkin' shit 'bout Chicago AND BOY HE AIN'T HAPPY
LARPing free-for-all
Need tomboy 😖
you are a fat idiot!
Definitely funnier out of context.
I se-I seriously don't know where I should put this.

Artwork: 1880s–1920s

Sailing the seas of cheese
Took over a century, but I'm beyond elated that we finally got a quad-trilogy.
Surprisingly the folks at Puck didn't go "Bah humbug!" that season.
Something for the angel. Would she like anything else?
I call this event "the Great Jimmy Jack Crack".
Looke heere, it's obvious who won. Jim 'ere approached the match like a freak with a machine gun. Jack was as prepared as a mother's schoolboy, marchin' to the ring as he knew all his maths.
Next time eat a salad 🏏
She could eat that flower up like a berry.
Lookin' like a dream factory
"Ya think he might be into jas?"
"Nahhh, don't think so. It can get a little jovial. Not nearly as much blues, that deep shit the cat's into, man."
That money bag is all for child support. It's a rabbit-uh, thing.
How could you not love this guy
Mr. Fancy Pants here
I never saw this until the day it entered the big P.D.. Weird.
Not a bad SVG honestly.
Disney ponders about Mickey's true sexuality
"I know Donald was a reformed Nazi, but he'd never tell me about this! I don't think he even knows about this!!"
The down-on-his-luck duck knows the oldest of Unca Walt's sins.
From one sacred quack to another

Hustling in the Four Seasons

Foreigners sneer at yer theocracy!
Edging with auteur. Edgy!
"Can I peck your eyes Mel Gibson style, Mr. Hitchcock?"
[This caption left blank]
If all four Beatles starred in How I Won the War, it would probably have made up for the rejection of A Talent for Loving. A fitting trilogy, perhaps, even if that third film would be shit.
About five cool rock films and a good relationship with Flea. Not a bad life.
"[Neal] unleashes a speech in which the adjectival form of the f-word supplies the prelude to every noun, including itself, and is additionally used as punctuation. When he finishes, the clerk has a two-word answer that supplies one of the great moments in movie dialogue." – Roger Ebert, 2000
Sandler at Cannes?! I'll bet you a million it won't happen again!
A true professional
As Superman mentions to Superboy something about fine china, the former hopes his son doesn't look into this director's resume. It's a celebrity's life.
Me in L.A.
Me and my dog
Me at the zoo
Me testing a Happy Meal toy (I'm about to be arrested)
Me preparing performance art: Prison Rape as Catharsis for My Audience[Unregistered HyperCam 5]

Post-1920s film posters

NOT Citizen Kane. Like the Beatles, it can be argued that the best film by the best director is the eternal #1.
The art of the sword and the gun.
"Come in, Mr. Wilson"
Read this review for yourself.
Hey. Why shouldn't I have a cover to a #1 best-selling novel? Besides, I now have twice as many naked women!
…Yeah, too intense indeed. The kiddies'll go wild at the concept of skinny dipping!
Secretly sold at Buc-ee's 🤫
No words could explain, no actions determine; just watching the trees and the leaves as they fall

How to be a painter

ᓚᘏᗢ prrrrrr~

Decent graphic design

First one ain't the best to me. This pops out ridiculously but brings out something very vibrant during the Gay Nineties.
Building off the 1905 logo but sleeker, tighter, and containing less dissonant shapes. The "Healthful" makes this unintentionally humorous, but my love for this brand increases as a result.
Actual precursor to the Globe; the Pepsi Cap! Really well done, it's a shame they never returned to the cap's geometries in subsequent designs. Even if I prefer cans. Also pissed every variant of the globe has basic lettering of the name afterwards. This is very attractive.
But what more can I say? This is hella smooth.
Little sad they ridded the diamond square outline but this is one of the few instances where simplifying it actually brought out versatility. Bravo.
I mean, if it ain't broke don't fix it...at least the blue made this chain look less...greasy, so to speak?
An unusual amount of variants compared to Black Sabbath's, but no less valuable.
The Hi-Fi subscription is totally worth nearly $20 a month. The purple heart[Unregistered HyperCam 6] sucks a lot, they could've at least kept the Flow's rainbow motif.
Spotify meets MTV with user-generated content. Way better than it sounds.
I don't mind a colored red LP, just make sure the pricework ain't too self-centered.
I need nine more votes to get the TV working for this.
Funny, considering I designed a near-identical graphic to represent love and neurodiversity. This is just as cool!
Damn son new luv symbul here
Is this a pride flag or a printer flag?
The two flags are synonymous. I connect with this one but the pansexual flag's also here since it's more popular.
Freedom of speech and expression, in both ways
This was made in 1977, the days of Taxi Driver and when films like Uncut Gems just felt like home. But whatever, it's still New York, forever and always.
Canned coochie! R34 mags! IED manuals! Pirated Peter Blake copies! You want it? It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough screws loose! You mention my name to the feds we never do business again! Not even for a pair of shoelaces or a stick of gum, you understand?!
Like the Bronze and Dark Ages, DC's stories can hit your head and leave a mark. And for the most part, them stories were really good!
It hits different when a logo shows a continent's outline rather than their national flag. You can tear apart a flag, but not its land.
A source of several of your favorite kids shows.
Tunnel vision from the outsider's screen
Too bitter?
Hey! Wait! I got a new complaint
Lived through their vocations; from the past until completion; I still find it so hard; to say what I need to say; but I'm quite sure that you'll tell me; just how I should feel today
I'll be waiting, with a gun and a pack of sandwiches
The most American British dude, like Terry Gilliam being the most British American dude (not Boris Johnson)
Tha reel pride flagg
"God has this song on his..."
It looks like this wasn't as successful as it could've been, replicating LP imagery for a digital format. I think Discogs mostly killed it. At least there was content for SMiLE. One can only hope imagery beyond the front cover is featured in full album uploads on YouTube.
Most underrated video game soundtrack console ever
only ttue microwoft vetrans know 🥺
Created by an anti-piracy trade association, what doesn't kill them makes them stronger.
Don't be evil my arse...
The "tramp stamp" or "ownership tattoo" of the Internet, the moment you register an account or buy a phone from them. Yes, I have this. Yes, it's one-toned "friendly" as hell and is the vanguard of bland corporate design. Yes, four-colored rainbow use is excessive here.[8]
Argh, a captain's quarters never be stationery.
If you knew of this play button for this long you deserve another veteran's discount: NO ADS!!
I prefer the variant that debuted in Guitar Hero 5, but that game has uh...a cool avatar used for the wrong reasons.
The only true depiction of anarchism
Pushing the threshold of originality there, lol
By 2021 you'd believe both television and streaming were peaking so high. When I saw the library and marketing for this I went "Jesus, this might be better than Disney+, even if it's Warner Bros., holy shit." Little did anyone know what direction WB would go down afterwards.
A great homage, but will always be a little hollow behind the scenes.
How not to create descriptive tags for a booru.

Laughing at the Evening Sun

I dunno. I just look at this and think.
I'll be in some basement room, with a needle and a spoon, and another girl to take my pains away
If you believed there's nothing up his sleeve, then nothing is cool
Hello again! If you appreciated every last image before this one, congratulations on reaching the bottom!
That's all Folks!


  1. ^ As if the devious finger calculations weren't enough either.
  2. ^ I really can't wait for Pac-Man to come out!
  3. ^ I think there's weight in the fact that the "Lost Cause" is the first modern conspiracy theory originated by white Americans. It got the denialism and everything.
  4. ^ my ducks? in a row. ordered. disciplined. behaving predictably. your ducks? scattered. in disarray. waddling aimlessly. desperate for a leader to impose structure. pathetic.
  5. ^ I actually don't think it would be out of his character. This guy's the Roland Emmerich of body horror films.
  6. ^ NOT to be confused with the military decoration.

Reasons why this website always mattered

  1. ^ "Update One on One". The Video Game Update Includes Computer Entertainer. Vol. 2, no. 7. October 1983. p. 111.
  2. ^ Kreps, Daniel (May 23, 2021). "See Radiohead side project the Smile perform new song 'We Don't Know What Tomorrow Brings'". Rolling Stone. Retrieved July 31, 2021.
  3. ^ Can't even stand broccoli
  4. ^ Findlay, Grant; Small, Zane (10 January 2019). "Watch: Young man tackles Dunedin's Baldwin St on Lime scooter". Newshub. New Zealand. Retrieved 10 January 2019.
  5. ^ Satherley, Dan (10 January 2019). "Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull hopes 'common sense' will stop students riding Lime scooters down Baldwin Street". Newshub. New Zealand. Retrieved 10 January 2019.
  6. ^ Humorous reference to a 2010 comment by ACT on Campus president Rick Giles. See Young Act § Opposition of Earth Hour and "I think my argument is so powerful". Know Your Meme. Archived from the original on 16 April 2022. Retrieved 13 April 2022.
  7. ^ Inwood, B. and Gerson, L.P. (2008) The Stoics Reader: Selected Writings and Testimonia. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing, p. 6
  8. ^ "Is the Criticism of Google Icons Justified?". The Hard Copy. Team THC. October 31, 2020. Retrieved July 23, 2024.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: others (link)