What's Behind the Crippling Dairy Crisis? Family Farmers Speak Out. | Civil Eats

What’s Behind the Crippling Dairy Crisis? Family Farmers Speak Out.

In the Northeast, the dairy crisis is shuttering generations-old dairies. Can the crisis become a rallying political issue?

Dairy farm photo by Darinburt on Istockphoto.

“If a mammal doesn’t produce it, it isn’t ‘milk’,” says Lisa Engelbert, one of the farmers at the sixth-generation Engelbert Farms in Nichols, New York. Engelbert is referring, somewhat wearily, to the plant-based beverages and other products made from soy, rice, nuts, and oats—she calls them “plant juices”—that currently account for 13 percent of the U.S. milk market and $1.6 billion in sales.

Alternative milk is ascending as U.S. cow milk sales are dropping—as of June 2018, they’re down by 6 percent from the previous year. The way some struggling dairy farmers see it, the popularity of alternative dairy products (one of which is now the subject of a class action lawsuit in New York) has partly contributed to dairy farmers’ own travails. Many of them have been forced to shutter their operations due to a milk glut and its attendant low prices—as of this writing, $16.33 per hundredweight (in layperson’s terms, about 11.5 gallons), considerably less than the $22 it costs to produce.

In New York State alone, 1,600 dairy farms went out of business from 2006 to 2016, with dozens more closing so far in 2018. Farmers will tell you that when they go, they take with them carbon-sequestering grazing lands best suited to that practice, critical habitat for wildlife species, rural communities dependent on the financial health of local agriculture, and the farmers themselves. In their place come development, gravel quarries, and massive commodity dairy operations that are, say the farmers, what should really alarm ecological- and health-minded consumers.

Lisa and Kevin Engelbert on the farm. Photo by Lela Nargi

Lisa and Kevin Engelbert on the farm. Photo by Lela Nargi

The farmers know that the causes of the latest dairy crisis (which has been underway for four years and counting) are complicated, as are the solutions. Some legislators have attempted to improve the industry—New York Governor Andrew Cuomo recently announced $30 million in funds for farmland protection grants, and signed into law the well-supported Working Farm Protection Act to help keep farmland in farmers’ hands.

But a lot of Northeastern dairymen and -women are pessimistic about the prospects for meaningful changes that will allow them to survive, let alone thrive. On the federal level, they’ll point out, the farm bill expired in late September in the Senate—although as Lynn Kahn, Green Party candidate for New York’s vast dairy-centric Congressional District 21 pointed out, neither the House nor Senate version made any provisions to assist small farms.

The Trump administration’s approximately $212 million earmarked to help dairy farmers suffering the effects of the tariffs it imposed has received a tepid response, at best. National Milk Producers Federation CEO Jim Mulhern told Dairy Herd Management that the money fell “far short of addressing the losses dairy producers are experiencing.” And, says Kahn, “It’s not clear that small working dairy farmers are going to see any of that—and some of them are saying they can’t even make it till December.”

The perception among farmers is that politicians on both side of the aisle “have let them down,” tweeted Finger Lakes-based veterinarian @Archimedes2020 in September: “When they talk about developing our economy, no one really talks about helping farmers or agriculture.”

Kahn has heard a similar sentiment in her recent canvassing. “They’re really angry at both parties, and they don’t feel like they’re being listened to at all.” Politicians and candidates are speaking only with the owners of the biggest farms or the co-ops, Kahn says, “not the working-class farmers who have owned their farms for decades and generations.”

Who’s at Fault?

Some farmers say farmers themselves are partly to blame for the current spate of farm closures. They haven’t diversified with profitable value-added products like cheese or figured out how to expand their market—or they’ve overextended their herds and their debt beyond what can weather the next milk glut/price slump (because dairy has been here before, every decade for decades).

Third-generation dairy farmer and vice president of the New York Farm Bureau, Eric Ooms, milks 475 cows with his father and brothers at A. Ooms & Sons Dairy Farm in Valatie, N.Y. They send much of their milk to Beecher’s in Manhattan for cheese, and make extra income from selling dry shell corn to a mill. “Everyone’s in a pinch right now, but if you’re over-leveraged, you’re in trouble,” says Ooms. “I know a family where one of them got an off-farm job with healthcare—that’s how you diversify, or sell fence posts, or timber.”

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The Ooms family. (Photo credit: <a href=https://civileats.com/2018/11/05/whats-behind-the-crippling-dairy-crisis-family-farmers-speak-out/Cabot)" class="size-large wp-image-30073 lazyload" width="700" height="390" />

The Ooms family. (Photo credit: Cabot)

Other farmers express frustration with consumers calling for the end to animal husbandry on ethical and environmental grounds. Engelbert says that even prices for their organic milk—typically higher than conventional—are 30 percent lower than two years ago; oversupply is an issue here, too, but Engelbert says the drop is partly due to alternative milk companies marketing to formerly loyal organic milk customers, even as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) contemplates whether or not alternative milks can be labeled “milk” at all.

Some farmers see the solution to the crisis as lying largely in consumer hands as well. Tim Tonjes took over Tonjes Farm Dairy in Callicoon, N.Y. from his father and now works its 63 cows with his sons, producing milk, cheese, and yogurt they sell at markets, their farm store, and online. Tonjes believes legislation—along the lines of the parity pricing instituted by Congress in the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, which was abolished in the ‘80s—is necessary to save family dairies. But with farmers making up about 1 percent of the population, he says they’ve lost their political clout. Demands for change have to come from non-farmers because “that’s where the voting power is,” Tonjes says.

Farmers cite a slew of interconnected reasons for dairy’s woes: a drop in liquid milk consumption generally; the National School Lunch Program switching to 1 percent milk from whole milk—the skimmed fat from which is sold for other uses; surging per-cow milk production, from 540 gallons per year in 1944 to 2,753 gallons in 2017; U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) disinterest in their fate; a failure of policymakers to protect small farmers from low prices, exacerbated by milk cooperatives’ deductions; and a failure of small farmers to band together to lobby on their own behalf. And of course those presidential tariffs.

Nate Wilson assesses the situation more succinctly. He’s a retired farmer of 40 years who says dairying is “a calling, dumb as it may sound,” and now writes for an industry newsletter called The Milkweed. Yes, he says, a lot of these things snowballed over the years to weaken family dairy farms. But the deathblow is being delivered by the co-ops.

In the past, Wilson says, “co-ops would battle each other for market share, lowering the price to the processor till the processor bought from somebody. It was always to the detriment of the farmer.” But more recently, some small farmers say large co-ops have been making it near impossible for them to compete: insisting on all-or-nothing contracts that prohibit them from holding back some milk for value-added products or direct sales; refusing to haul small loads; and demanding costly farm upgrades, like new equipment or repaved roads to make pick-ups easier.

The way Wilson describes these tactics is reminiscent of Big Chicken’s squeeze on contract farmers. They’ve not only edged small farms out of business, they’ve bought up many smaller co-ops. As a result, says Wilson, “Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) controls one-third of all [American] milk production. And you can be sure that once they [and other big co-ops] get rid of all the smaller co-ops, they’ll turn their knives” on the next tier that have so far operated under their radar.

In response to these assertions, DFA vice president of Northeast operations, Bill Cummings, provided Civil Eats with a statement that reads in part: “Our sole purpose is to ensure stable markets for our members’ milk. We do this by paying a competitive price and…offer[ing] programs and services that make it easier and more profitable for our members to farm, including access to financing options, discounted farm supplies, health and workers’ compensation insurance, risk management tools and more.”

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Seeking Solutions

Holly Rippon-Butler grew up on a dairy farm in New York’s Upper Hudson Valley. She’s now land access program director at the National Young Farmers Coalition (NYFC) in Hudson, N.Y., which lobbied hard for the Working Farm Protection law. Rippon-Butler maintains that many farmers share Wilson’s sentiments but are too nervous to speak up. “They’re afraid that if their name is in print, they’ll be the first to get dropped [by the co-ops]. The fear is very real.”

Some of Engelbert Farms' cows. (Photo courtesy of Organic Valley)

Some of Engelbert Farms’ cows. (Photo courtesy of Organic Valley)

One co-op, Massachusetts-based Agri-Mark, which makes Cabot and McCadam brand cheeses, convened a summit in Albany this summer to give industry stakeholders a voice. They also created a website where farmers and others could comment. Misguided federal bureaucracy factors high on the list of grievances. Suggested fixes include emergency funds for farmers in crisis—New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who sits on the Senate’s ag committee, proposed such an amendment to the Farm Bill, which was struck down (her office didn’t respond to requests to comment for this story)—and longer-term solutions like production quotas and price restructuring.

Brenda Cochran wasn’t able to attend the summit. Nevertheless, as the president of Farm Women United (FWU), an organization with a mission to rally women farmers to save local agriculture, Cochran has been an outspoken critic of the co-ops, Agri-Mark included. Agri-Mark’s leadership, she says, “did arrange the public forum that gave interested parties a chance to come together and briefly, but not substantively, look into the situation. However, [it]…did not focus on identifying the systemic…causes of this socioeconomic crisis on dairy farms and the critical need for an immediate intervention.”

Cochran sees the source of dairy’s problems as a push for “bigger and bigger units of food production,” helped along by the co-ops, which she calls “corrupt cartels…that represent [milk] processors, not farmers.”

Cochran says some politicians have behaved admirably on farmers’ behalf, like Gillibrand and her own Pennsylvania congressman, Tom Marino, who has proposed restoring whole milk to the school lunch program; and FWU has endorsed Kahn for Congress. Otherwise, Cochran says, they “don’t give a rat’s ass what happens on small farms; they’re going to proceed with the industrialization of agriculture and globalizing the food supply.”

There’s been at least a small shift in attention to the crisis, though, as concerned organizations have begun to galvanize on behalf of dairy farmers—like the Center for Agricultural Development & Entrepreneurship (CADE) in Oneonta, N.Y. “It’s very clear from our perspective that the pricing structure and monopolies within the dairy industry are the primary problem and when you’re talking about government policy and big business, they can wipe out a certain type of farm in an instant,” says Lauren Melodia, CADE’s value chain manager. “With this most recent crisis,” she says, “we’ve been working with a loose coalition of farmers and local farm service agencies to identify advocacy strategies.”

In the meantime, the State University of New York at Cobleskill has opened a dairy plant on its campus. It’s supported by a $100,000 rural development grant that CADE received from the USDA, which will help local dairy farmers market their own value-added products—offering them a choice Melodia says will lend them “a sense of empowerment.”

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Should these farmers and others be afraid of pushback from the likes of DFA? “Farmers have got to get braver” in standing up for themselves, insists Cochran. “I’m not afraid of retaliation, and I’m not going to give up my seat.”

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Lela Nargi is a veteran journalist covering food policy and agriculture, sustainability, and science for outlets such as The Guardian, The Counter, City Monitor, JSTOR Daily, Sierra, and Ensia in addition to Civil Eats. She’s also the author of science books for kids. Find her at lelanargi.com and @LelaNargi. Read more >

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  1. Clark K Carlson
    I have been reading about and listening to scientific studies regarding a point made in this article. "Other farmers express frustration with consumers calling for the end to animal husbandry on ethical and environmental grounds." It appears that much of the evidence points to the fact that alternative "milks" are much better for the environment. What do we do, what are we going to be forced to do, when many of the varied business practices we have grown and valued are changing the planet in frightening ways? Warning after environmental warning has been ignored by all of us for far too long. I hope we begin a process to reclaim planet health so our farmers have a chance to change their careers or come up with alternative ways to continue doing what they love. Difficult days ahead....
  2. Robert Billingsley
    The 1000 lb. gorilla in the room that is being avoided by everyone is the fact that retailers are selling milk at a loss to promote their business. The co-op is complicit in this by agreeing to supply processors at a price to minimize their losses. Years ago some states had statutes that forbid the sale of milk by retailers below cost.
  3. Where is the part where companies like Kraft are not buying American milk to make their products. Many large food processors are using alternative dehydrated dairy products in popular American brands of processed foods. I blame them more than I blame other countries shutting us down to support their own farmers, that's what our government should be doing. Instead, they are making a lot of noise about blaming outside interests, and remaining silent about this issue. Country of Origin labeling for ingredients would be very helpful, and holding American processed food corporations accountable, particularly if they are receiving tax breaks or subsidies.

    American's ignorance about food and susceptibility to glossy marketing and online ordering/delivery with makes it easy to sell out our farmers.
  4. bill shaver
    farmers should be organizing themselves in each state to create in each state a new co-op that gives them collective bargaining rights... which is permitted under legislation ..capper volstead act. then and only then will they get fair return for their labours.
  5. One of the solutions to the ongoing dairy crisis that is gaining support among dairy farmers is a farmer-led supply management plan. It was a central focus at the Agri-Mark meeting last summer and is seen by many dairy farmers as the most viable way to improve milk prices and sustain dairy farms nationwide. During the last farm bill there was extensive debate about supply management and back then milk prices paid to dairy farmers were at record highs. Now that milk prices have plummeted and not likely to improve any time soon, a nationwide farmer-led supply management plan is more critical than perhaps ever before.
  6. Vegan Consumer
    People are switching away from dairy products, because it's not good for human health, and because the large dairy farms (CAFOs) are horribly polluting and cruel to cows and calves.
    Mammals' milk (including human mammals) is intended for their own offspring.
  7. David Englert
    they “don’t give a rat’s ass what happens on small farms; they’re going to proceed with the industrialization of agriculture and globalizing the food supply.” Unfortunately but true. Trucking, education, media, healthcare, banking...a clear trend of control...
  8. Beth Aaron
    Farmings role is what? To produce nutrients that provide humans with OPTIMAL health... Animal "products" have proven time and time again, to manifest the polar opposite. Medical science that has not been adulterated by industry influence, which sadly so much data has, unquestionably promotes plant based protein and plant based nutrition as the cure all for what ails human beings. From the time Plutarch wrote, "The Eating of Flesh" and thinkers like Ellen G White, Benjamin Spock, and thousands through history understood the consequences of humans consuming lacteal secretions from BOVINE MAMMALS, loaded with BOVINE GROWTH HORMONES , Casein ( a protein never for humans and digests as an addictive opiate which is why I'd be wealthy if I had a dime every time I heard, "I can't give up my cheese")and the flesh from other beings, controversies abound about human consumption of animals.

    Every mammal produces an INFANT formula perfectly suited for THAT MAMMAL! It makes NO sense in any shape, to be nursing on BOVINE milk and past weaning, as human beings. NO SENSE at all.
    Farmers should produce what is healthy, digestible, and provides optimal nutrients, not what increases risk for ALL hormonal cancers, kidney disease, heart disease, arthritis, and all other degenerative diseases the so called health care system profits from diagnosing and treating.. Besides the unfathomable violence to animals inherent in using their parts, babies, and grizzly slaughter, 51% of GHG emission comes from animal agriculture...
    See Dr. Robert Goodland, "Searching For Truth In Agriculture"
    If the strongest athletes can out perform others, Fiona Oaks, Patrick Baboumian, Scott Jurek, on the power of plant protein ( which is where all protein originates) why on this distressed earth would anyone who is informed and conscious, still consume anything from animal vectors?
  9. Pati
    Did they take a course in economics? Do they believe in capitalism? If they do they then need to realize the demand for their product is going down and people are choosing alternative products. And that should be people's right to do so.
    Why should the taxpayers support them if the economy and market won't? If there is less demand for their product then they go out of business as thousands of other companies have done before them. What is the demand for carriages? For washboards?
    Not that I am for unfettered capitalism as that results in monopolies which we already suffer from.
  10. David Nolan Cook
    Supply and demand is the oldest economic law
  11. Barbara Amato
    Dairy Farms are essential. Small Dairy farms are doing what industrial dairies couldn't and wouldn't like producing raw milk, like grass fed, free range, organic fed, free from antibiotics and hormones. I want milk from healthy happy cows. I refuse to buy any conventional dairy products. So, I hope I am supporting smaller local dairies. If I have to go to a coop for milk, I would order it. We basically have two raw milk distributors, Organic Pastures and Claravale.
  12. Cow milk consumption is declining BUT heavy cream and butter consumption has skyrocketed in the last 5 years. Why aren't farmers rethinking the types of cows they raise? Why are they stuck on Holsteins who give more milk with low fat content? Move to breeds like Jersey or Guernsey that give less milk but what they give is much higher in cream content that is highly saleable? The skim milk they have left should be saleable to feed hogs or calves. Why stick with cows that give lower quality and higher volume when there's a milk glut? That just doesn't make sense.
    • Simone
      The FDA should totally change the name of the almond milk I use and should also change the name on dairy milk containers to "Milk meant for a calf who is calling for his mom right now while shivering in terror inside a slaughterhouse."
      Or the dairy industry can accept that vegans feel fine and consumption of dairy products will continue to decline and maybe it's time to help dairy farmers do something else for a living for the good of the cows, the calves, the consumers, the earth, and the farmers themselves.
  13. MickeyHickey
    For over a century countries around the world have been dealing with boom and bust dairy markets. America is one of the few countries where dairy farmers live in a cutthroat environment that forces them to produce more to stay afloat which results in gluts of product, forcing prices down and farmers into bankruptcy. Yes Virginia, America is certainly exceptional. Trump in the NAFTA negotiations tried to impose the US wild west dairy markets on Canada, he failed. The result would have been Canadian farmers producing more milk and the dairy farmer bankruptcy rate matching the US rate. The other affect is small farmers are being pushed out by mega agri businesses. How long will capitalism last if small business people are being pushed out of business, this goes beyond farming to retail and the Amazon phenomenon. Someone in America should read Marx who predicted Capitalism would end up consuming itself. Only government intervention will assure its survival, remember FDR. There was a time in America when there was government by the people for the people.
  14. Karan Collenberg
    Same thing is happening in the West......please help we’re drowning! Horizon contract ended... our organic dairy is looking for a home!
  15. Barry F. Gougeon
    As usual, the problem lies in the Congress. The Industry has to hire an excellent Lobbyist to represent them. Pay the Congressmen off via their hired lobbyist, the problem will go away in short order. There will be four quarts of milk in every pot in America.
  16. So im doing so research on loss of dairy farms in the us and i wondering if i could get so more information?
    • Teddy
      Hey Devon did you find any information about this? I'm debating writing my thesis on the shift of dairy farms to alternatives. Please send an email so we can connect :) thanks!

  17. Sam
    Whenever dairy farmers think they are defending themselves or showing " bucolic" pictures of their dairy farms, they invariably only show how deep they are buried in their own world. Yes, milk is produced by a mammal-- for her own baby. Why would an adult of another species drink that? Also, I'm pretty aware that a large container that says Almond Milk on it, does not contain "milk from a mammal." That's why I buy it. Photos of calves tied to plastic huts have a similar effect. No thinking person looks at calves on a dairy farm and feels good. There is a disconnect in the industry that is amazing. No matter how dairy farmers feel about what they do, they have to accept the many views of consumers, which they seem unable to do. You know who has a much harder life than a dairy farmer? The cows and calves on a dairy farm. (Yeah, I know, he "loves them like his children.") The dairy farmer sympathy train has long ago left the station for a variety of reasons, the most basic being that if you keep losing money at one job, you need to try something else, like the rest of the working world. I'm not for factory farming, obviously. I'm always angered by another instance where the little guy goes under first, but hopefully even the big guys will feel the pinch of change some day.
  18. Marv johnson
    I read article after article about the dairy farm crisis and overproduction. What role does our government guaranteed loan program play? We have had massive expansion of farm size and cow numbers using ILLEGAL alien workers. Without those workers, I doubt that many one thousand cow dairies would exist. 85 % of our milk is now produced via immigrant labor. In making these loans, there didn’t seem to be a concern over flooding the market and crashing the milk price. The dairy crisis is a complicated issue, however ILLEGAL immigration plays a major role. The elephant in the room!
  19. Bobbie Brown
    How can I help.
  20. I am a member of the Orange Co. Agriculture Preservation Board in Hillsborough North Carolina. We have a very similar situation with dairy farms in Orange Co. I would like to ask about the dairy plant on the campus of the State University of New York. The idea of providing a mechanism for local dairy farmers to market their own value-added products is something we have talked about. Has this been implemented and how is it working out? Thanks for your help. Nels
  21. GP
    It's ironic that Republicans talk about socialism as the worst thing that can happen to the US, yet they continue to use taxpayer monies to disproportionately subsidize large operations, which is socialism for the wealthy at its core and is the only reason that smaller operations are being pushed out of the industry.
    It's rather sickening to listen to a president strongly criticize healthcare subsidies, Social Security and Medicare for the individual American citizen yet pay out huge sums to already wealthy corporations that don't need the money. THAT is out of touch with the taxpayer, dishonest and blatantly crooked. https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2018/08/14/mapping-the-u-s-farm-subsidy-1-million-club/#3821af543efc https://usafacts.org/articles/federal-farm-subsidies-what-data-says/ https://www.downsizinggovernment.org/agriculture/subsidies https://civileats.com/2019/11/13/government-bailouts-are-the-only-thing-bringing-farm-incomes-up/

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