David Moskowitz | Civil Eats


David Moskowitz works in the fields of photography, wildlife biology, and education. He is the photographer and author of three books: Caribou Rainforest, Wildlife of the Pacific Northwest and Wolves in the Land of Salmon. He has contributed his technical expertise to a wide variety of wildlife studies regionally and in the Canadian and U.S. Rocky mountains, focusing on using tracking and other non-invasive methods to study wildlife ecology and promote conservation. He helped establish the Cascade Citizen Wildlife Monitoring Project, a citizen science effort to search for and monitor rare and sensitive wildlife in the Cascades and other Northwest wildlands.

Some First Nations Are Fighting Fish Farms in BC to Protect Their Waters and Cultures

Two members of the Wuikinuxv First Nation prepare wild salmon to feed to guests to their territory during the annual Tribal Canoe Journey, which brings together First Nations from across the Pacific Northwest.

Saving Caribou and Preserving Food Traditions Among Canada’s First Nations

Caribou cow in the Klinse-za Maternity Pen. Project members collect a portion of the herd’s pregnant cows in March (13 cows in 2020) and hold them in the pen, where they can care for and protect them until late July when the calves are about two months old and able to fend for themselves in the wild.