Antonio Roman-Alcalá | Civil Eats


Antonio Roman-Alcalá is an educator, researcher, writer, and organizer based in Berkeley, California who has worked for just sustainable food systems for the past 15 years. Antonio co-founded San Francisco’s Alemany Farm, the San Francisco Urban Agriculture Alliance, and the California Food Policy Council, and his 2010 documentary film, In Search of Good Food, can be viewed free online. He holds a BA from UC Berkeley, and an MA from ISS in The Hague. Currently, Antonio maintains the blog, conducts activist-scholar research at ISS, and leads the North American Agroecology Organizing Project. He is also in search of new land to farm – a tough prospect in the urbanized and gentrified San Francisco Bay Area!

Op-ed: We Can Build a Better Food System Through Mutual Aid

Jamil Burns of Raised Roots Farm in Oakland, shows off some of his produce destined for mutual aid for protesters seeking Black liberation.

Agroecology is Advancing Around the Globe. Will the U.S. Take Part?

Women from the Abrono Organic Farming Project (ABOFAP) showcase their seeds. Near Techiman, Ghana (Photo CC-licensed by Global Justice Now)

Can Permaculture Make a Dent in America’s Farm Landscape?

Permaculture Farm and Workers

Local Food By Boat: The Vermont Sail Freight Project

Five Groups Working to Help New Farmers Access Land

It Takes a Village: Designing St. Paul’s Frogtown Urban Farm

U.C. Berkeley Food Institute (BFI): Report Back from Inaugural Symposium

From Food Security to Food Sovereignty

Urban Ag: Taking Steps Toward Political Ecology

New Urban Ag Law Paves the Way for Growers in San Francisco