Connecting the Dots on Ag and Climate Change | Civil Eats

Connecting the Dots on Ag and Climate Change

As the masses march this weekend to urge immediate climate action, it’s important to remember that industrial agriculture and food systems are a major culprit in climate change—but ecological farming practices can become a hopeful solution.

climate march

This weekend, hundreds of thousands of citizens will march in Washington, D.C., and around the world, raising their voices to demand action on climate change, one of the most critical issues of our day.

Energy and fossil fuel will be at the center of the dialogue, of course, but it’s also critical to address the reality that our industrial agriculture system—drenched in fossil fuels and sucking up energy, water, and other critical resources—is a leading climate change culprit. In fact, agriculture systems contribute at least 30 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). Even more stunning, use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers on agriculture crops accounts for approximately 60 percent of global nitrous oxide emissions, a compound around 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide (CO2).

It doesn’t have to be this way: A global shift to sustainable farming will not only help create a stable climate, it will also improve food and water security and safety, sustainable rural livelihoods, and environmental health. But industrial agriculture requires the production and use of toxic chemicals; converts forests, marshes, and other lands to agricultural uses; and encourages excessive tillage, unhealthy livestock-rearing conditions, and long-distance food transport—all climate-changing practices responsible for inefficiencies, inequities, and conflict the world over.

Massive use of agricultural chemicals has degraded the health of our soils so significantly that crop yields have plateaued or collapsed in some regions. Scientists estimate that 50 to 70 percent of carbon has been lost in industrially farmed soils. That carbon escapes into the atmosphere, causing increased levels of CO2. It also dissolves into our oceans, causing raised acidity levels that threaten marine life and critical food systems. Additionally, after decades of intensive over-use, pest and plant diseases are becoming resistant to fossil fuel-based chemicals.

On the inequity front, despite the supposed merits of our global industrial agriculture system, at least 2 billion people around the globe are chronically undernourished. And climate change further exacerbates food insecurity. Global agencies agree that crop productivity will markedly decline over the next few decades in Central America, South and Southeast Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa—regions already hard-hit by unstable food supply.

Catastrophic weather related to global warming not only spikes food insecurity, but leads to national and international conflicts over resources, migration and refugees. Take for example the current crisis in Syria. Very few would utter the words “climate change” in the same sentence as “the war in Syria,” but the truth is global warming in the region played a significant role in the present tragedy.

Between 2006 and 2011, more than 60 percent of Syrian territory experienced the worst long-term drought in recorded history. Water resources were cut in half. The primary wheat-growing region lost 75 percent of its crops and 85 percent of its livestock. This climate and food crisis triggered extreme poverty for millions of Syrians and massive migration from rural communities to overcrowded cities, exposing the government’s inability or refusal to help and stressing ethnic and religious tensions.

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Hope for Farming, Hope for the Planet

However, on the climate and agriculture front, there is reason to hope. While agriculture is currently a big part of the climate change problem, it has the potential to be a big part of the solution. We can reduce or eliminate our food system’s chemical dependency—which will lower GHG emissions, rebuild healthy soils and fertility, and restore watersheds, among other benefits.

We must ditch our massive monoculture approach and build resilience to extreme, unpredictable weather by bringing back crop diversity. We need to smartly reintegrate livestock into farming systems, rather than into animal factories. We need to provide economic assistance to farmers and rural communities to generate viable incomes from ecological agricultural practices.

One of the most promising aspects of truly climate-friendly agriculture is found in emerging soil science that shows ecological farming can draw down carbon from the atmosphere and put it back into the soil where it can contribute to healthy, functioning ecosystems. This science is especially consequential given that scientists agree that we are beyond simply cutting back on GHGs; we must pursue “net negative emission” strategies to avoid utter catastrophe.

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Yes, there are challenges to transitioning away from a global warming intensive, industrial food and farm system, but it is clear that it will be at our peril if we continue on our present path. For most of this century, governments have invested billions of dollars in our fossil-fuel driven, chemically dependent agricultural model. Governments must instead invest in practices and people that promote a resilient and healthy climate, food, and water future.

So let’s march. But if we’re going to get serious about curbing climate change, then we need to get serious about addressing agriculture as both a profound problem and a hopeful solution.

Debbie Barker is the international programs director at the Center for Food Safety.

Photo courtesy of

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Debbie Barker is a consultant for The Berry Center and other civil society groups working on issues including food and farming, ecology, trade, and more. She was formerly the international director for the Center for Food Safety, a legal and public policy institute in Washington, D.C. and prior to this was the director of the International Forum on Globalization, a think tank on economic globalization issues. She’s written on numerous issues including food and agriculture systems, trade and economies, climate change, and more. Read more >

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  1. Art Stewart
    I am all on board with your call for smaller scale, sustainable, environmentally integrated farming. Yes! If I could wave a wand, I would eliminate all CAFOs today.

    The fault I find with this article is that Ms Barker proposed no path to ending the industrial farm model. I am real interested in knowing how to achieve this sustainable way without dictatorial methods of crushing the existing structure. The moment you propose heavy handed power of the state (see: Soviet Union, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela) you lose my enthusiasm quick.
    • .

      I also wonder where the strong young bodies are going to come from to triple the labor input, required for sustainable ag., when tens of millions of young people a year are LEAVING ag. around the world.

      Sure, if you tripled farm salaries, that would work, but concomitantly doubling the cost of food would completely end the ability of the entire world's working and middle classes to save for ANY retirement.

    • Caroline
      Here's a solution, go vegan. I've been vegan for over 5 years now, and I cannot tell you what a huge difference it has been in my life and my husbands. We just feel better, we don't even get the common cold as all of our family members and co-workers get. But we are also organic, whole plant based food vegans. No junk "vegan" food for us. It's amazing how much more energy we have than when we were in our twenties, which was a few decades ago. Actually people guess our age still to be in our late twenties now! We come from an Eastern European background, lot's of sausages and meat in the diet. We do not miss it at all nor any diary, egg or fish. Your taste buds change and I get cranky if I don't have my daily salad! Plus, I went Vegan for the animal cruel suffering; these beings feel pain, joy and fear just like humans. It's crushing to my soul that these animals have to go through so much torture. Haven't we learned from the past, inflicting pain on others, gets us nowhere and now times are becoming desperate. Veganism is the answer for the planet and the soul.
  2. Valerie Buitron
    The issue on climate change has been very prevalent throughout the recent years, the inclement weather that has been occurring most recently (hurricanes, wild fires, etc.) has been in question to whether it is due to climate change or not. Global warming does not happen overnight and has been a controversial yet sensitive topic amongst many scientists, politicians and the people who populate the world. This issue of concern can reflect the actions of past generations, but current innovations and efforts to make a change today can help the generations of the future.
    With science and technological enhancements, there is no doubt that it is possible to come up with ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. After reading this post, it highlighted how much agriculture contributes to the release of these toxic gases. As someone who lives in a busy city, the first thing I may think of while stuck in traffic is how much cars contribute to the detrimental effects of pollution or how toxic the gases being released are to the local community. As a nutrition student, I almost felt naïve not to believe how the industrial agriculture system had some contribution to this issue as well.
    It amazes me how much agriculture contributes to helping people around the world be more food secure and with the climate changes, this can hinder that which in turn can lead to another issue on global food insecurity to due this change in the weather for farmers and their crops. Also, I didn’t realize how much of the CO2 being released also encompasses marine life which can have questionable health effects for people who consume fish. In all, the issue impacts everyone.
    The issue on climate change and industrial agriculture allows us to work together to make a change, to be creative, innovative and really think about how to better the earth. The process will be slow, but I feel as if little things can make a big impact. Although it is said that climate change can take a while until it is reversible, it is not impossible. ( I agree with developing more sustainable practices in the agriculture industry because it ensures the safety and wellbeing of the consumers as well as the welfare of the animals.
    I was never aware of potentially recycling the carbon that was in the atmosphere which can be very beneficial in reducing and utilizing the carbon. Planting different crops can help as well as developing new ways to grow such crops such as hydroponic practices. Dietary changes may help too, such as adopting a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, but not everyone will want to do so and there are other ways to reduce meat intake without eliminating meat entirely. The amount of refrigerants used to transport agriculture products made may also be reduced or may have to find a different way to deliver these goods. With small changes, people can make a difference.
  3. Ryan
    You all invited into Canada port Perry

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