Jake Price | Civil Eats


Jake Price is a New York City-based photographer and filmmaker. After working as a photojournalist and producer at the BBC and New York Times, he shifted his work to filmmaking and immersive media production. Price’s many projects have been awarded by the World Press Photo and have also been displayed internationally.

How a Vermont Cheesemaker Helps Local Farms Thrive

Mateo Kehler of Jasper Hill Farm in Greensboro, Vermont. (Photo credit: Jake Price)

Photo Essay: How DC Central Kitchen Tackles Hunger, From Food Trucks to Training Programs

Photo Essay: The Next Generation of DC Central Kitchen Chefs

Five of DC Central Kitchen's trainees. Photos by Jake Price

Photo Essay: How Nourish New York Is Still Feeding NYC

Sustainable caught fish from Long Island’s Haskell's Seafood, a family run fishery, being delivered to the kosher Masbia pantry in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn.

The New York Farmers Responding to Food Insecurity

The Messmer family: from left Dave, Pete, Suzanne, and Steve.. Dave said “The pandemic made people realize the inherent weaknesses of the supply chain, and they're going to continue to see the threats: the wildfires, the droughts, all these things that that could cause disruption,” He continued, “The answer is buying local. If you just keep buying local, you don't have to worry about shipping, trucking, all that stuff. You're supporting your local farms who can basically survive more sustainably.”

Meet the People Who Bring Food and Comfort to NYC’s Homebound, Food-Insecure Seniors

White says goodbye to one of her meal recipients.

Meet the New York City Volunteers Risking Their Lives to Feed People

Volunteers delivering food to New Yorkers during the pandemic.

Farmers in Puerto Rico are Growing a Culture of Social Justice and Climate Resilience

Regenerating New York Harbor, One Billion Oysters at a Time

Tanasia Swift (center), the Community Reefs Regional Manager at the Billion Oyster Project takes oysters from the Paerdegat Basin in Canarsie, Brooklyn to be monitored by students who were invited to learn about the waterway and the role oysters have in it.