Virginia Gewin | Civil Eats


Virginia Gewin is a freelance science journalist who covers how humans are profoundly altering the environment – from climate change to biodiversity loss – and undertaking extraordinary endeavors to preserve nature. Her work has appeared in Nature, Popular Science, Scientific American, The Atlantic, Bloomberg, bioGraphic, Discover, Science, Washington Post, Civil Eats, Ensia, Yale e360, Modern Farmer, Portland Monthly and many others.

Tracking Tire Plastics—and Chemicals—From Road to Plate

California Farm Counties Are Not Even Close to Meeting the EPA’s New Clean Air Quality Standard

A tractor in california is kicking up dust working in the fields, adding particulate matter to the air and lowering air quality

As the Salton Sea Shrinks, Agriculture’s Legacy Turns to Dust

Salton Sea area of Imperial County, California, with farmland and the farm towns of Niland, Brawley, Westmorland, and others. (Photo credit: Raquel Lonas, Getty Images)

Supreme Court Case Could Reshape Indigenous Water Rights in the Southwest

A close-up view of center-pivot irrigation watering corn on NAPI farmland. (Photo courtesy of NAPI)

New Mexico Farmers Face a Choice: Pray for Rain or Get Paid Not to Plant

Glen Duggins farms chiles and alfalfa in Socorro, New Mexico. (Photo credit: Virginia Gewen)

Leaving Some Farmland Fallow Benefits the Air We Breathe

Iowa prairie landscape

A Wild, Windy Spring Is Creating a Soil Erosion Nightmare for Farmers

A derecho approaches Kurt Stiefvater's farm in Salem, South Dakota. (Photo credit: Kurt Stiefvater)

How Corn Ethanol for Biofuel Fed Climate Change

Harvesting corn at Estrem Farms in Nerstrand, Minnesota.

Dust Is a Growing Problem. What Role Does Farmland Play?

Big farm tractor tilling dusty Springtime fields

As Carbon Markets Reward New Efforts, Will Regenerative Farming Pioneers Be Left in the Dirt?

GC Ellis standing outside a gate on G-Bar-C Ranch with cattle in the background.