Lela Nargi | Civil Eats


Lela Nargi is a veteran journalist covering food policy and agriculture, sustainability, and science for outlets such as The Guardian, The Counter, City Monitor, JSTOR Daily, Sierra, and Ensia in addition to Civil Eats. She’s also the author of science books for kids. Find her at lelanargi.com and @LelaNargi.

Venison Was An Important Protein Source for Food Banks. Now It May Be Too Dangerous to Eat.


Can Produce Prescription Programs Turn the Tide on Diet-Related Disease?

Can produce prescription programs turn tide on diet-related disease?

A New Approach to Keep Former Foster Youth from Facing Food Insecurity

A foster youth teenager with blue hair in the kitchen cooking food

Can Farmers Help Each Other Navigate Mental Health Crises?

Rear view of a couple working in the field of a family owned farm. They are walking along the rows, separated by a row of vegetable plants, looking at each other and conversing. He is a mature man in his 40s. She is an Hispanic woman in her 30s.

An Inside Look at Union Organizing in the Fast Food Industry

A worker protesting Chipotle holds a sign while marching outside the store. (Photo by Jake Price)

Hunger Continues to Plague Americans. Here’s Why—and What to Do About It.

Small group of people donating their time by working in a warehouse to organize and distribute non-perishable goods to families and people in need.

Farm to School Programs Are Finally Making Inroads on Capitol Hill

cafeteria workers serve farm to school produce to students to improve their nutrition and support local farmers

A Farmer-Owned Local Food App Stands Out from the Venture Capital-Backed Crowd

a farmer sells local food direct to consumers after making the sale through a smartphone app

A NYC Reentry Program Offers Formerly Incarcerated People Healing, Dignity Through Meals

Chef Nikki preparing a meal in the Castle kitchen. (Photo credit: Lela Nargi)

Hungry Seniors Need More Than Just Access to Food

a senior receives a meal delivery from a courier to fight hunger and food insecurity