Alexandra Talty


From Southampton, New York, Alexandra Talty is a 2023-24 Pulitzer Center Ocean Reporting Fellow covering American seaweed farming for Civil Eats. A multimedia journalist, her writing appears in The New York Times, The Guardian, and Outside Magazine; she is also the host of the Long Island TV show “South Fork Sea Farmers.” In her free time, she operates a hobby oyster farm.

The Future of Seaweed Farming in America

Photo courtesy of Ocean Rainforest

The Hard Work of Bringing Kelp to Market

Rescuing Kelp Through Science

A scientist scuba dives in a Monterey, California, kelp forest to gather data about the health of the region's remaining kelp forests. (Photo © Patrick Webster)

Can Seaweed Save American Shellfish?

Donna Collins-Smith hauls out kelp lines for the Shinnecock Kelp Farmers on Shinnecock Bay. (Photo credit: Rebecca Phoenix)

The Promise and Possible Pitfalls of American Kelp Farming

an illustration by nhatt nichols showing a hand pulling a kelp line out of the sea

The ‘Thanksgiving Tribe’ Is Still Fighting for Food Sovereignty

A Mashpee Wampanoag tribal gathering. (Photo courtesy of the Mashpee Wampanoag)

Can the Shinnecock Nation Save its Fishing Rights?

Shinnecock tribe member Shane Weeks looks out over the tribe's territorial waters. (Photo by Alexandra Talty)