Anna Lappé | Civil Eats


Anna Lappé is a widely respected author and educator, known for her work as an advocate for justice and sustainability along the food chain. The co-author or author of three books and the contributing author to 13 others, her work has been widely translated internationally. She is the founder or cofounder of three national organizations, including the Small Planet Institute, Small Planet Fund, and Real Food Media. Alongside her work as the Strategic Advisor to Real Food Media, Anna directs a food grantmaking program for a family foundation in the San Francisco Bay Area.

After 60 Years, ‘Silent Spring’ Is Still Changing the World

Rachel Carson and the original cover of Silent Spring

How the Largest Global Meat and Dairy Companies Evade Climate Scrutiny

Cow feedlot - How the Largest Global Meat and Dairy Companies Evade Climate Scrutiny

What Carey Gillam Learned Through Years of Investigating Monsanto

A collage of Carey Gillam headshot and the cover of her book the Monsanto Papers

New Study Shows the Growing Risks of Pesticide Poisonings

Poison pest control chemicals sprayed on a field in the Salinas Valley, California.

New Research Confirms What We Eat Is Central to the Climate Crisis

a hand pulling freshly harvested turnips from healthy soil

What the ‘Insect Apocalypse’ Has to Do With the Food We Eat

The Man Who Fought Monsanto Will Leave a Lasting Legacy

Dewayne Johnson

Eating on the Brink: How Food Could Prevent a Climate Disaster

watering a seedling

A Big Blow for Big Soda


Are Fertilizer Explosions Just Another Cost of Doing Business for Big Ag?

West Texas Fertilizer Explosion Aftermath